NOSH ROCKS: The learning program that challenges old ideas about food and promotes lifelong health.

NOSH ROCKS-Not Only Slim but Healthy, RO’s Carb-cutting Kickstart, from grief to action: here is a first introduction on how Rowana Statham used life experiences to create and launch a revolutionary educational program.

The idea for NOSH ROCKS saw the light after Rowana Statham, the front woman and innovator behind the project, experienced the sudden death of a beloved friend, who passed away because of a lifestyle disease. That experience served as a “wake-up call”, making her realize that her personal loss was, in fact, a symptom of a much bigger issue: more and more people keep dyeing of “old people’s disease” at younger ages, and the reality of this crisis is still very much buried under our noses. She first decided to introduce major lifestyle changes on herself (and her husband), leading her into a 6 year long journey of discovery about food, self and health. During this time, she managed to research and report about the unsolved global humanitarian obesity crisis that impacts nearly 1/3 of the population; she also succeeded to turn her own life around, by changing her eating habits and lifestyle.

“I started feeling so much better. I now have more energy, I no longer suffer pain from a scoliosis in my back, and I have a stronger immune system. I have gradually reduced doctor appointments, medication, and I haven’t been using painkillers for the last 6 years.”


After these amazing results, she decided to make her discovery available for as many people as possible. She condensed her professional experience as a social worker, charity volunteer and management accountant, into an educational program (NOSH ROCKS) where people are presented with nutrition facts in a way that allows them to predict their future outcome on their health.

Now, NOSH ROCKS is a reality in Switzerland, and the program is very rich.

In fact, Rowana is delivering more and more educational courses in parallel, with very positive feedback, where the focus is put on gaining health, rather than losing weight.

NOSH ROCKS offers an 8 week program, during which participants meet once a week to learn, cook and exchange about their journey. A RITE of Passage to radiant health; (Review, Implement, Transition, Enjoy). The goal is to educate participants about what is in their food chain, and about how they can change or replace what is not serving their long-term health, to become increasingly independent, free from plastic, and conscious also of the environmental impact.

Rowana also offers group workshops, to help people gain insight on how and where they need to operate changes in order to obtain lasting results. That includes analysis on food, food habits, and life routines. She believes that understanding why we eat in a certain way is just as important as understanding what we eat.

In addition, people can join online support groups once in the program, and have constant access to food information on the website (

The science behind NOSH ROCKS operates on many levels.

In order to tackle down the obesity crisis, NOSH ROCKS promotes nutrient rich alternatives to ‘starve’ out ‘empty’ high calorific food. When you eat good food, real food, the body doesn’t normally need to gorge without control. Another main criterion behind this method relies on cutting excessive carbohydrates and sugars, through elimination or replacements. For example, one of the most recent recipes they tested during the NOSH ROCKS cooking groups was an alternative to bread, made with eggs, almonds, and seeds, and they will soon approach another type of chocolate based on nuts and coconut oil. Alongside food ingredients, another theme that is presented and studied is the culture that revolves around food. And that is because global and local culture often pushes us to eat a certain way, which is not necessarily sustainable or natural. Our human bodies are developed as hunters and gatherers made to adapt to our environment. We naturally need to store fat for the winter, but it is better if we don’t eat this way all year long. The educational program aims at raising people’s consciousness of their own natural body needs, and encourages them to eat local, seasonal and organic food.

And for the future, NOSH ROCKS plan is to keep on educating and…

To her, success looks like thousands of people living in a happy, healthy conscious state.

Rowana also wishes to put her courses into virtual reality to reach a wider, younger audience, with the idea to bring back the love for food and cooking, and make people rediscover that they can be the Master Chef or the Magician of their own kitchen.

She has also been following transformative technology on the side, with the desire to incorporate e.g. Virtual Reality meditation, mindfulness, binaural beats etc into her classes. Virtual Reality is proving to be effective for learning and motivation to help people adopt healthy lifestyle, and hopefully healthy eating habits.

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