Namaka – A story of Floating and Salt

Have you ever been passionate about something? Have you ever tried to give it all to pursue your dreams or to build something new? Have you ever set your mind on something, always trying to improve yourself at every step? Then you probably know all about stress, heartbeats getting faster and faster, sleepless nights, and the feeling of never getting enough rest. The distinction between achieving and over-doing is often a fine line. That is why it is crucial to take care of our general wellbeing, especially when life seems to keep on testing our endurance. Everyone has its own self-care routine, some practice yoga, some others meditate, and now, thanks to Namaka, it will be possible to take care of ourselves through floating. 

How? We asked Nicholas Grandjean, founder of Namaka, how this will become a reality in the near future.   


What is Namaka right now? 

The project is ready and the idea has been tested. Namaka has now a first location booked in Geneva and a selected team of experts ready to start building what will become a new SPA idea. Part of the funds necessary for the realization of this project have already been raised and the idea is to complete it within 6 months with the installation of the pods and other infrastructures. After that, it will be possible to experience the first floating sessions.

So, what should someone expect when booking a Namaka session?

The relaxation starts before entering the pod, as the person books the session, and as they are oriented through the experience. This way we allow people to enter the private pod in a state of relaxation. 

The pods are placed in private rooms, filled with water at body temperature and magnesium salt. This combination will make them float, loose sense of time and space, and relax. The pods can be controlled from the inside thanks to buttons that allow the person to regulate the lighting, the positions and the sound, which is important, especially for those who try for the first time. Once the person leaves the pod, the relaxation continues with a cup of tea and some good rest inside of a beautiful SPA. 

It is possible to share this experience with friends, a partner or children since several pool are available, some big enough to fit more than one person. 

Namaka pod 7.jpg

Who should float with Namaka, and how often would you recommend a Namaka session?

It is for everybody who wants to improve their body and mind condition. It is however especially recommended for exhausted and/or over-stressed people (managers, workers, parents, pregnant women, top performers).People who need to constantly push their limits. It is also a very good option for the “eternal youth seekers” as it is a very powerful tool to rebalance one’s body health.  

The general advice for those who float is to practice regularly: once a month for maintenance. Packages can be offered for particular situations of extreme stress in order to prevent more severe symptoms.

Tell me more about the benefits of floating. Why did you decide to use this tool in particular to reduce global stress? 

Floating reduces physiological stress by lowering the levels of cortisol and adrenaline in the body and by elevating endorphin levels (the happiness hormone).

After becoming the father of two young kids, floating has proven to be the most efficient and simple tool to better face this personal situation. In fact, when you are a parent, you need to give more and more energy every day. Thanks to floating, it became possible to restore that energy without the intake of any drug or substance. It is a natural solution that exploits human natural resources in order to regain energy and to better perform at work and life in general. 

And what is the story behind salt? Is it just to obtain the “zero gravity” sensation or is salt also a crucial component to reduce stress?

It is not actually salt, it is magnesium salt - also known as Epsom salt - which has amazing benefits for the skin and the muscles. This way, the body is not just relaxed but also receives a magnesium bath that can cure the skin and relax the muscles. Magnesium salt is particularly precious for the body when the person needs to recover from big efforts.


What are you looking for now? What are your needs to move forward?

The team is complete but we are always looking for ambassadors to gain more visibility. This means that sport people and professional coaches are welcome to apply.  

As we are also looking for more funds, we just started a crowdfunding for friends and family. In September, we will launch an open crowdfunding for everybody else, during which it will be possible to gain access to special promotions and start booking the first sessions. 

Why participating to Good Festival? What is the global good that you would like to achieve through floating?

Stress is the root cause of violence and disease on the planet today. If we want to have a better world, we need to take care of ourselves. Start with yourself and you will irradiate for the better of society. This project became reality thanks to fatherhood and the dream is to offer the next generation a better world. It is as simple as that. 

Are there any risks? Are there any side effects?

There is no side effect. One member of our team is a psychiatrist who not only gave his expertise during the creative process but also prescribes floating to his own patients.

Floating reduces anxiety but it can be strange for people who are not used to being alone with themselves, that is why it is important to maintain a state of relaxation during the whole process. The key is to make people feel safe the entire time. They receive full support and they can interrupt the session at any moment.

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