The Story of Esther Oyebola Adekoya

Esther Oyebola Adekoya is the founder of the Heartrose Care Foundation and the author of PRECARIOUS FATE. The Heartrose Care Foundation provides training and assistance to help people feel better emotionally and combat depression. Heartrose Care Foundation envisions a World Without Depression in which individuals can follow a therapeutic path to achieve wellness. The foundation's six key values summed as triple E and C are EDUCATE, EMOTIONAL EMPOWERMENT, ENHANCE, CARE, CURB, and COMPLEMENT.

For many years, Esther suffered from mixed emotions. To tackle depression, Esther used writing, reading, and therapy to create a path to recovery and wellness. Writing allowed her to express different emotions through fictitious narratives, which led to a book called Precarious Fate. Reading allowed her to escape and explore new horizons by following bibliotherapy while receiving guidance helped her share her feelings and get support from experts.

Being a person who has been through depression, she wanted to address the issue and support other people in this situation. Esther learned how to deal with depression as a patient. Her primary objectives were to raise awareness and enhance public understanding of the signs and symptoms of depression, promote wellness, and aid people in their recovery by providing therapy and counseling.

In 2009, people often didn’t talk about depression or treat it properly. It was even kept a secret. After talking to her pastor, the church sponsored her first project with the SUBEB initiative, a systematic approach to attaining well-being and a method for combating depression among students, by offering psychological and emotional intelligence training, wellness workshops, and train-the-trainer programs to three groups of people: the counselors, the pupils, and the parents in local government Education Authorities in Lagos State. This approach enables them to provide emotional health training to school counselors, allowing them to counsel students on their journey toward a path of wellness and to provide a forum for parents to assist in the student’s recovery. The positive outcome of the SUBEB initiative in tackling depression and promoting a path to recovery led to its implementation in other economic sectors (workplace, household, community, faith-based organizations, and other institutions).

The Heartrose Care Foundation is working on three areas to strengthen their social venture. They are training more wellness coaches and professionals in different sectors at the Heartrose Emotional Wellness Academy to rescue and restore from depression and its associative effects; the Heartrose Wellness Library and resource materials serve as complementary to emotional empowerment; and the Heartrose Wellness Clinic serves to give emotional support and therapy to patients. The portfolio of services includes wellness educational programs and therapeutic and emotional counseling support services for empowering their volunteers in schools and other sectors with the help of the counseling toolkit, which can be distributed for maximum use in Homes, workplaces, Schools, Faith-based organizations, Health sectors, and the community with strategic outreaches.

The long-term goal of the foundation is to start Heartrose Care Clubs on campus in Tertiary Institutions for the youth's wellness so as to curb depression, suicide, and its associative effects. The foundation has partnered with corporate organizations and individuals and welcomes additional investors from all around the world. It's all about promoting and restoring emotional wellness for all.

If you would like to learn more about Heartrose Care Foundation, please visit the website and social media pages:






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